BUSINESS Strategies & Tips

HR talking to employees

Efficient Ways to Protect Your Female Employees

Tabitha Wu5 min read

For female employees, the workplace can be a minefield of potential hazards. From harassment and discrimination to unequal pay and…

peaceful employee

Helping Your Employees Balance their Work and Life

Tabitha Wu5 min read

It’s important to remember that your employees are human beings with lives outside of work. They need time to care…

Saving Money Without Sacrificing Quality on Your Business Establishment

Saving Money Without Sacrificing Quality on Your Business Establishment

Tabitha Wu5 min read

Any business wants to save money, but cutting corners on quality is not the answer. Your business establishment reflects your…

concert event

The Four Essentials of a Successful Event Planner

Tabitha Wu4 min read

The pandemic has had an enormous impact on events this year. Sporting events, concerts, and other large gatherings have been…

Best Business Ideas for a Healthcare Professional

Best Business Ideas for a Healthcare Professional

Tabitha Wu5 min read

Healthcare professionals are in high demand these days. With the aging population and the increasing number of people with chronic…

convenience store in a corner

Increasing Foot Traffic in a Business

Tabitha Wu5 min read

Foot traffic is one of the most important aspects of a business. It is the lifeblood that keeps businesses alive…