Spicing Up Pita: A Sampler of Middle Eastern Bread Sauces

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Detroit is a melting pot of cultures, which means that culinary life can get quite exciting. You get a taste of everything, such as Mediterranean sweets and dessert pizzas in Sterling Heights bakeries and restaurants.

When it comes to Middle Eastern cuisine, some things that come to mind are pita bread and hummus. They blend well together, are fantastic with chops of meat, and are wonderfully savory. If you are reluctant to experiment with food and are afraid to go beyond bread and butter, start with pita. The taste is simple, but it is also incredibly filling. It goes well with the sauces that come with it. It might even encourage you to go beyond your comfort zone and start appreciating food from other cultures. In a way, it will be like traveling, but instead of spending money and resources, you’ll just be staying in one place–the table.

Here are a few sauces commonly spread on pita bread:

Traditional Hummus

Based on chickpea, the classic hummus is usually thick in consistency and creamy. It is so tasty that it cannot be eaten alone, and it complements the basic taste of toasted pita so well. They go hand in hand, making the results magical.

Black Bean Hummus

An alternative to salsa, black bean hummus is wonderfully organic, has a smooth and easy taste, and is healthy. It’s similar to the classic hummus, with almost the same ingredients, except for the addition of black bean.

mediterranean food

Ful medames

Ful medames happen when chickpeas are replaced with fava beans, which are native in the Middle East. The good thing about ful medames is that not only does it go well with pita, but it’s also so tasty that it can be paired with chips, crackers, and other flatbreads. Try to experiment with matching them!

Avocado Hummus

When you add fresh avocado with the chickpeas and tahini in ordinary, basic classic hummus, your dip is transformed significantly. It has a zesty, healthy taste that is lovely and rich, but somehow, it’s lighter on the stomach. It has great health benefits, too, such as the stabilization of blood sugar levels and the high content of fiber.

Beet Hummus

Do you want to go pretty in pink? Try replacing the chickpeas in your classic hummus with beets. That’s right – beets. You’ll get a reddish-pink dip that looks great amidst the other food on a party table. It is also very healthy. For a better effect, add a splash of vinegar to the recipe. It accentuates the taste.

Yogurt Garlic Sauce

Yogurt garlic sauce sounds appetizing just by the name alone and familiar to those who haven’t heard of nor tried Middle Eastern cuisine. It has ingredients that we’re familiar with, and it’s a great place to start. Add Greek yogurt (the plainer, the better), minced or grated garlic, a splash of lemon juice, dill, salt, and tahini, and you’ll get a dip that’s great with bread and chunks of meat to go along with it.

Don’t be afraid of the unfamiliar and fusion of food. Great discoveries come only to those who are willing to try out new things. It’s a fantastic feeling – to the heart and the stomach.

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