Reducing Carbon Emissions in Your Own Little Way

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Do you have children? Ask yourself this: What kind of world my children and I live in? What will happen to your grandchildren? What quality of air will they breathe in? Will they still see the snow-capped Alps? Will they still get to enjoy the sites we feast our eyes on today?

The world is changing. In many places, especially Coconino County, wind energy is a big deal because of the effects of climate change and global warming. There’s a sense of dread that if people don’t act fast enough, the world may not last another hundred years. That’s just one generation from you.

There are a lot of things you can do to reduce carbon emissions. They aren’t earth-shaking. They aren’t even extraordinary. These are simple things that anyone can do and apply.

Eat Less Meat

Going vegetarian is not just for diet and health purposes. There’s an environmental component to that, too. Many people aren’t aware of the link between red meat and climate change. Animal agriculture is increasing the problem of water scarcity. It takes about 5,000 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. You don’t need to be a vegetarian, but you can lessen your consumption of red meat in particular.

Go for Reusable Cups and Straws

How many disposable cups a day do you use? If you have made it a habit to grab a cup of coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks, you’re contributing to climate change more than you think you do. Invest in reusable cups, straws, and utensils. Put them in your bag and reject the notion of using disposable cups and utensils. Disposing of these things contribute to the death of many animals and the pollution of land and water.

Unplug Your Devices

Do you know that leaving your chargers plugged drain up about $19 billion worth of energy every year? That’s in the U.S. alone. Imagine how much more energy this practice wastes globally. Simply unplugging your devices when not in use can help reduce carbon emissions.


Don’t Buy Fast Fashion

Fast fashion refers to clothing retailers that sell an endless cycle of must-have trends at low prices. Why do you think you can buy a shirt for $4? That makes it easy for you to throw away. After all, why would you want to wear a $4 shirt that’s not trendy anymore? But the problem is that fast fashion wastes billions of gallons of water. Do you know that producing one jacket requires gallons of water that’s enough for 24 years’ worth of potable drinking water for one person?

Instead, repurpose old clothes, choose locally handmade garments, and buy vintage. You can also participate in some old-school clothing swaps with family and friends. These alternatives will not only reduce your carbon footprint but also help stop child labor that clothing manufacturers have been guilty of doing.

Drive Less

Walk. Bike. Take the bus. You don’t know how much toxic carbon emissions your cars expel when you use them. In the U.S., the number of cyclists has increased in the past decade. This saves tons of millions of carbon emissions every year. Many cities are also working to make their roads walkable for commuters.

There are plenty more ways you can reduce carbon emissions, but you can start with the suggestions mentioned above. They are not necessarily complex or extraordinary. You just need to give up a few conveniences to help the environment survive.

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