Is cosmetic dentistry right for me?

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Cosmetic dental treatments are now extremely popular within the field of modern dentistry. With advanced dental technologies patients now have a wider array of options to improve the aesthetic appearance of their smile. Besides the more popular treatments at a patient’s local cosmetic dentist Harley Street, such as tooth whitening, cosmetically enhanced fillings, and dental implants for example, there are now even more procedures on offer!

Improving the aesthetic appearance of your smile

Many patients may feel as if the physical appearance of their smile is compromised. Yellowed, missing, or misaligned teeth can cause a depleted level of self-esteem for many patients, which is where cosmetic dentistry can help. Many patients may hold the initial belief that cosmetic dentistry simply consists of bleaching teeth, or white fillings, however certain treatments such as dental implants, may overlap into other fields of dental care like restorative dentistry.

Catering for your dental needs

If you are an individual who is suffering from stained, crooked, or even missing teeth, then cosmetic dentistry could be considered as an ideal solution for you. One example of cosmetic dentistry that is arguably one of the most popular treatments on offer is the application of porcelain veneers.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are wafer thin caps that are adhered to the front surface of the teeth using a special dental adhesive, they aim to not only improve the aesthetic appearance of a patient’s smile, but can also ensure the teeth are protected, and stay healthy.

Are porcelain veneers right for me?

If you are suffering from chipped or stained teeth, teeth which are too short, or too long, then porcelain veneers could be a perfect solution. Patients who are suffering from more severe yellowing may find that tooth whitening is not effective enough for their level of staining, veneers therefore can completely transform their smile.

For patients who are suffering from spacing of the teeth

Many patients may suffer from irregular spacing of the teeth. Gaps within the mouth can be caused by many factors, and despite orthodontics often being prescribed for this dental concern, porcelain veneers could be considered as a better fit for many.

What to expect from the treatment process


Many nervous patients may experience anxiety within a dental environment, whether this be in dental clinics, or with an orthodontist, they therefore feel more comfortable knowing what to expect from the treatment process. Much like any dental treatment porcelain veneers always start with an initial consultation, during this appointment a patient and their dental healthcare professional will work together to decide the best possible course of action.

The next step

Once a patient has decided that porcelain veneers are right for them, the treatment can commence! Initially a thin layer of the surface of the teeth is shaved down using a special dental drill, once this is completed the veneers can be placed on the teeth.

How long do porcelain veneers last?

Porcelain veneers could be considered as an emotional and financial investment, much like any dental treatment, which is why durability is a huge factor. Although the time may differ greatly depending on each dental case, on average porcelain veneers can last from around 12 to 25 years which is a very good return!


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