Building Your Career in a Tough Job Market

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As the world population grows, so does the global labor force trying to stay afloat in a tough job market. It’s especially hard if your industry is very niche and there are few roles to fill. So how do you make sure that you stand out, or at least lead a path that will help you eventually land your dream job?

Well, sometimes you must start at the bottom and work your way up.

Be A Temp

One of the common challenges for people trying to find a job is they kept getting rejected for someone who has much more experience. The sentiment is they can’t gain any experience if no one wants to hire them. One way to deal with this is to get a job as a temp.

Many companies have a temp program for when one of their employees has to take a leave of absence for a long period. Even in the healthcare industry, temps are welcome.

Temps in the medical field are typically referred to as locums, short for locum tenens. This term is a Latin phrase meaning, “place holder”. They take over the job of a medical practitioner who needs to go on an extended leave from work.

A locum tenens nurse practitioner, for example, gets to do all the tasks required of a nurse. But as this is a temporary position, you can be relieved of your job as soon as the full-time doctor or nurse is back, unless the facility will still need an extra pair of hands. Locum tenens don’t have much security of tenure, but you do have the freedom to move from one hospital to the next.

Be an Intern

If your objective for now is to gain relevant experience, taking a job as an intern is a good step. Look for companies or individual practitioners open to hiring interns. It’s on-the-job training, but you get paid a small allowance.

Still in the healthcare industry, local hospitals and private clinics accept interns who need a stepping stone or earn a specialization. This is typical in dental clinics where the dentist doesn’t have many staff to supervise. Most interns start out as assistants, in charge of record-keeping records as well as assisting patients.

During off-peak hours, the dentist would most likely allow you to observe during a procedure. At times, you might also be asked to assist. The downside to being an intern is you won’t get paid much, so you may need other sources of income to support yourself.

Take Up Higher Studies

Boss of business

Instead of waiting around for people to notice and hire you, use your time to further your knowledge about your profession. The more certifications and training you have, the more likely you will secure a good job. Or if you can afford it, take up a Master’s degree to boost your chances of securing a post in a good company.

At the same time, you can use your extra time to take on freelance or intern jobs. Not only do you get one step closer to your dream job, you also get to apply your learning no matter how short the duration of your work is.

Don’t feel discouraged if you can’t seem to get a break yet. There are other ways to gain that experience you need to get the job you’ve been aiming for.

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