3 Commonly Asked Questions About Underbites in Children

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Growing up with an underbite can affect your child’s confidence. That is why it is crucial that you manage it immediately once you see that their upper teeth are starting to protrude. Ideally, your child’s teeth should fit within their mouth without looking overcrowded or have spaces in between. Also, their teeth should not appear twisted or rotated in any way. But, there are times when deviations happen during the early stage of its growth. Once the teeth are misaligned, your child may develop an unnatural smile.

What causes an underbite?

The parents’ genes have a lot to do with the formation of malocclusion. If any of your relatives have an underbite, there is a chance that your child may develop it as well. Aside from heredity, there are other causes of underbites in children. Colgate says that underbites often develop when your child is fond of thumb sucking. Another reason is the constant thrusting of the tongue against one’s teeth.

Healthline adds that mouth breathing can also cause your child’s teeth to misalign. Airway obstruction usually happens when a person suffers from enlarged tonsils or adenoids. Even allergic reactions can make a person develop chronic mouth breathing. Fortunately, there are ways to help treat your child’s underbite and manage it completely.

How do you fix an underbite?

retainer calls

Working with an orthodontist can help your child straighten their misaligned teeth. To find the best treatment, they need to examine your child’s mouth thoroughly. Once they have determined the condition of your child’s underbite, they can prescribe the right treatment for it. They can advise to either get child braces or dental appliances to fix malocclusion.

Braces are the most common way to fix an underbite. If your child is not comfortable about having one because of how it looks, you can always choose a set of clear braces for them. Meanwhile, another option that could help treat your child’s teeth are dental appliances. Your child’s orthodontist can help produce a bonded retainer to help align their teeth to its proper form.

There are times when an underbite is so severe that both braces and dental appliances will no longer be able to fix the problem. At times like this, the only way to treat your child’s underbite is through surgery. Ask if your child is a good candidate for it to be sure.

Is there a way to prevent it?

Although preventing malocclusion is difficult, there are ways to prevent it from occurring. One way to do that is by limiting your child from pacifier and bottle use. Doing so can help reduce the changes that such habits can do to your child’s developing jaws.

The best way to prevent malocclusion from becoming problematic is through early detection. Doing so will help treat the condition and correct the problem before it progresses. If you notice that your child’s teeth are starting to misalign, then it is best to consult the dentist. From there, you can discuss the possible treatments for your child to manage their dental condition.

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