Why having straight teeth matters

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Do you have orthodontic issues that prevent you from smiling a warm and winning smile? Or from reaping the rewards of increased confidence but are sitting on the fence of finding an Invisalign dentist in Welwyn to correct them? With comfortable orthodontic tools that are designed to fit in with modern lifestyles, there has never been a more opportune time than now to move forward with an orthodontic treatment plan for a healthy smile.

Smiling is central to social communication and interaction and it is easy to understand why an attractive healthy smile is considered such an asset that the UK cosmetic dental market is valued at £2bn.

Profound day-to-day benefits of a healthy smile

The positive and profound impact of straight teeth on smiling a confident smile is extraordinarily significant and possibly life-changing, so much so that those who successfully straighten their teeth report having the courage to tackle challenges, face their fears and attempt new things. Not having a good dose of confidence or feeling too self-conscious about an awkward smile can prevent one from living the best life they can live.

straight smile

Healthy self-esteem

A healthy sense of self-esteem is essential to make the most out of life’s opportunities. Almost every meaningful area in life requires positive self-esteem; self-esteem is needed to form social bonds and friendships, to pursue a career, to take on leadership roles and to find and accept love. A healthy self-esteem is helped by the abilities of smiling an infectious smile and clear speech (both beneficial recipients of orthodontic help).

Relief from pain

Misaligned teeth have earned the disreputable reputation of creating unattractive smiles but this orthodontic condition can also be the cause of life-reducing facial pain. When jaws are not in natural alignment, they are not formed to work properly which results in pain and difficulty in eating and speaking. Resolving the alignment issues through wearing braces can bring relief from pain and restore proper mouth function.

Reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases

When crooked teeth are a challenge to keep clean, this gives rise to the threat of plaque and periodontal disease. Those with severe periodontal disease are at increased risk of this condition impacting wider physical health. Bad bacteria present in the mouth can reach the deeper and more vulnerable parts of the body, where life-giving organs such as the heart and lungs are. By making teeth easier to clean, orthodontics can lower the risk of life-reducing medical conditions like lung infections and strokes.

If having aligned and attractive teeth is necessary for a desirable smile, then it only stands to reason that one should do all that is possible to keep teeth for life.

Dental hygiene becomes an essential objective if oral health is to be protected.To best protect teeth from loss, brushing teeth and flossing twice a day and observing all recommendations such as technique (gentle circular strokes at a 45 degree angle) and duration of brushing (minimum of two minutes) are most effective in limiting the accumulation of plaque. The less that plaque is found in the mouth, the greater the possibility one can keep their natural teeth for life.

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