What to Do When Renting Your First Office Space

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Office space

Determining which office space to rent in your area can be a bit confusing and stressful. There are a couple of things you should take note of, including the size, location of the space, monthly rent, utilities, and a whole lot more. Besides, you and your whole team will be spending most of your time here, which is why it is important to take note of some things.

Here, we will discuss what you need to remember when it comes to renting out your first Wall Street office space.

Consider Everyone’s Location

Your new office’s location should not be too far from where everyone lives. Make sure to ask everyone where they live and if the new space would be accessible to them.

See if there are transportation means from their area so they would not be late to work every day. You would also want an office wherein clients can easily locate you, and one that can easily be reached through public and private transportation.

Think About the Amenities You Want

Take a good look at the building and see what type of amenities they have. If you want a building that has a pantry, then go ahead and look for that. Always keep your employees in mind and see which type of amenities they would best enjoy.

You should also check the amenities in and around the area. Do you want to be near malls so you can easily unwind from all the stress in the office? Do you want to have restaurants around you so you and your employees have options when it comes to eating out? Do you need to be around banks to have easier and faster banking transactions? Keep these things in mind and consider them when looking for a new office to rent.

Determine Your Budget

Businessman calculating budget

Determine a specific budget before going out and looking for a new space to rent. The location of the new office will most likely have the biggest effect on the price, so if you want to save up a lot of money, then go for the ones in the rural areas. However, if you want your clients to easily find you and you need to be around different establishments, then you might want to consider getting a space in the CBD.

Be Sure of the Size

One of the most important things when it comes to looking for a new space to rent is the size of the room or office. Do a headcount of how many employees you have and how many more you are planning to employ. Make sure that each and every one of those employees will have a space of their own wherein they can work comfortably and freely.

Always talk to the building’s landlord and ask them about the maintenance and repairs and who will be responsible for such. You’d never want to be stuck in a frenzy when you need to have something repaired, so it would be best to talk to them first.

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