Veneers: giving your smile a new lease of life!

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If you have cracked, chipped or stained teeth, there are several ways that you can try to address the issue. Dental whitening is available, but some stains are too extensive to be tackled with whitening. When it comes to having misshapen teeth that are perhaps worn down too much or irregularly shaped, you may need to have treatment for this with porcelain veneers Liverpool. There are two types of veneers: composite bonding and porcelain veneers.

What is composite bonding?

Composite bonding is one type of veneer that dentists can use to repair less serious damage to teeth. They can be used to repair chips, lengthen teeth or close gaps between them. They can also be used to change the shape of teeth or protect the tooth’s root if it has become exposed due to receding gums. A dentist will prepare the teeth that need bonding; they do this by simply roughening the surface of the tooth. They then apply a conditioning liquid to it before the resin and shine a special light on the resin to harden it, after which they will shape the tooth as required. The treatment should be comfortable and shouldn’t require local anaesthesia. However, composite bonding isn’t as durable as porcelain veneers, and the life expectancy is around 10 years, although this does depend on how well you look after them.

What are porcelain veneers?


A porcelain veneer is a porcelain layer that can be applied on top of a tooth that needs treatment, like a false nail being placed on top of a natural one. Dentists take impressions and have porcelain veneers manufactured for them by a ceramicist. Like composite bonding, they can match the shade of the porcelain to other teeth and veneers. The result is a natural-looking smile that is more uniform. The porcelain is more hardwearing than composite bonding, so you could have your veneers for 15 years or even a lifetime if you can take care of them. However, veneers don’t require patients to do anything special to maintain them. All you should do is brush, floss, and see your dentist for your routine dental checkups.

Why should I consider having porcelain veneers?

If you are looking for a non-invasive treatment, then porcelain veneers should tick the box for you. The results are stunning, and they allow you to continue eating and drinking normally after having them fitted. You will be able to enjoy having a wonderful smile, complete with the convenience of their natural function.

Initial consultation: know your options

If you would like to know whether or not veneers are the right treatment for you, you will need to book an initial consultation with your dentist. You will be examined, during which time the dentist should check your teeth, gums, and jaw and perform an oral cancer screening. They will then make recommendations of the treatments you would be eligible for, and you can ask questions to feel fully appraised of what is involved so that you make an informed decision. If your smile is looking worse for wear, give it a new lease of life with porcelain veneers!

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