6 Tips for Fighting Obesity

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Obesity is a health issue that’s diagnosed when the body accumulates a high percentage of fat, which has negative effects on health. People with a body mass index of 30 or higher are considered obese.

Some causes of obesity are genetics, overeating (calorie intake is higher than what is burned through exercise or daily activities), unhealthy diet, and a number of psychological factors that come into play as well.

Today, 39 percent of adults worldwide are overweight. Meanwhile, two in 10 children and young adults are suffering the same condition — and the numbers are piling up each year. Obesity is a serious and expensive disease that’s now becoming more and more common.

Here are a number of obesity studies that show how dangerous it is and why there’s a need to shed those extra pounds.

  • Based on a study conducted by the World Health Organization, obesity is the cause of almost half a million cancer cases annually.
  • Obese people are more prone to developing serious health problems like strokes and heart disease.
  • Obesity can cause musculoskeletal (MSD) disorders or problems. MSD are injuries that affect the body’s movements mainly involving the musculoskeletal system. This includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, discs, nerves, etc.)
  • A higher risk of dying for extremely obese individuals can be caused by heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes, and liver failure.
  • Obese women have a higher risk of delivering a premature baby.

Obesity is an alarming issue that needs to be tackled quickly. In the US, almost half of the population is projected to be obese by 2030. Meanwhile, in London, about three-quarters of those between the ages of 45-74 years old are overweight or obese today. An osteopath clinic provides rehabilitative care for those who suffer musculoskeletal disorders as a result of obesity. Traditionally, osteopathic treatments are geared toward athletes, the elderly, or people who need rehabilitation.

6 Tips for Fighting Obesity

To avoid these life-threatening problems, a major lifestyle change has to be made. However, we all know that it can be challenging. A lot of weight to shed off means you’re in for the long game.

So here are some tips you can use to effectively lose those pounds for good.

  1. Change your diet and eating habits

You are what you eat. If you consume food that is high in fat, sugar, and calories, it will likely reflect on your body. These kinds of food will make you feel tired, lazy, and sluggish.

Instead of oily or easy meals, choose to eat foods that are high in vitamins and minerals like lean meat, fish, milk, fruits, and vegetables.

Rather than eating huge meals, try to eat six small meals a day.

  1. Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day

Eat more in the morning and less at night. People who have the habit of powering up their bodies during the day and eating fewer calories at night tend to shed off more weight.

Always start your day with a high-protein meal. Aim for 400 calories at best, and no more than that.

  1. Start being active

More people tend to be inactive as the usage of internet surfing, social media, video games, tablets, and mobile phones continue to rise. Children are also getting used to the sedentary lifestyle because of the array of indoor activities available today.

An average adult needs at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activities a couple of days a week while children will need at least an hour a day.

Choose anything from jogging, brisk walking, hiking, biking, swimming, dancing, yoga, or any kind of sport.

Plan your exercise beforehand and make sure that you’re doing something you enjoy. This will ensure that it’s an activity that you won’t mind doing for years to come.

  1. Set a good example for your kids

Children are likely to be overweight if they have obese or overweight guardians or parents. Kids tend to look at adults for structure as well as guidance, so when children see their parents choosing to eat healthily, they will most likely imitate and adopt that habit. Same with leading an active lifestyle.

Set the tone for your kids and be a positive role model.

  1. Drink lots of water

Water not only keeps you hydrated, but it also keeps the system clean, lowers stress levels, helps the heart properly pump blood, and it also promotes good skin. As a rule of thumb, drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

  1. Document your journey

Documenting your journey, even taking pictures of the food you eat will help you be conscious of how much food you’ve consumed. Research shows that those who document what they eat a day, lose more weight.

It might seem like added work or a foreign habit, but after a while, you’ll get used to it and you’ll see the effects.

Recording your meals is like tracking your progress. You can review them to remind yourself of what you ate before. If you’re craving or feeling like you want to binge, you can look at your record or food diary and remember that you’ve eaten properly and that you’re not really hungry at all.

Obesity is dangerous and can diminish your quality of life. It’s never too late to start living healthy. Forget the past and think about the future. In time, with proper diet and exercise, you’ll be able to do things you weren’t able to do before. The best part is, you’re being a great role model to kids and adults around you.

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