The Dangers of Heavy Snowfall

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Snowfall is commonly celebrated with a cup of hot chocolate while digging around for winter clothing. However, there are also many reasons you should be a little more concerned about snow other than it makes your surroundings colder. Here’s how heavy snowfall can be dangerous to the unprepared.

Snow Is Heavy

It may look fluffy and light, but snow is actually quite heavy, especially after it has been sitting on your roof for a while. In fact, most experts in residential roofing services in Utah explicitly warn against the dangers of accumulated snow on roofs every winter season. It is not only the roofs, though. Other poorly built or supported structures can also be damaged by the weight of snow.

Snow Can Corrode Your House

Melting snow can seep into cracks or slots between your home, potentially bypassing any waterproofing system you have to damage unprotected material within. You can run into any number of problems depending on which part of your house gets hit, ranging from moldy walls to rusty piping.

Snow Can Pack and Puddle

Fresh snow is easy to remove, but it will not remain that way for long. Heavy, compacted snow can present potential hazards to homeowners. And if you get a lot of snowfall in a short amount of time, the risk gets even higher. Once the snow melts, you will have a lot of wet, damp ground lying around, which is the perfect surface for skids and other accidents.

Snow Is Cold

snow and ice on the roof

This might sound obvious, but what is not immediately apparent is how low temperatures can affect your property. Cold materials tend to become brittle and more susceptible to outside fractures, while cold air can cultivate dampness in buildings. If your house does not have an efficient central heating system, anyone inside it will face an increased risk of getting sick.

Snow Increases the Risk of Fire

Since our surroundings get colder, we tend to lean more heavily on appliances and gadgets that can bring us warmth. However, if these things are left unattended, they can also be the biggest cause of fire hazards in your property.

Snow Can Hide Debris and Other Obstacles

Several layers of snow can turn your surroundings into a navigational nightmare. You may not be able to spot things like low-lying hedges or sudden dips in the road until you actually run into them. Getting your car stuck in a snowdrift is also quite likely, especially if your roads have not been de-iced.

Avoiding all of these dangers is easy: all you need is a little vigilance and some professional help if you need it. Head off snow early by clearing problem areas such as your roof, driveway, and yard. Do not leave heating devices unattended, and always make sure that snowmelt can pool in the right places. With a little preparation and some practice, you will be comfortable riding out snow days for the rest of your life — and you might even get to enjoy most of them.

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