Muscle Building 101: What Most People Get Wrong

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From six-pack abs to a slim figure, everyone has their dream body they wish they have. Beach and work-out photos of famous personalities and models also make people jealous of how blessed they are physically. Not only is their social media feed better, they usually have fewer health problems in life. If only it were that easy to reach one’s fitness goals. For sure, they go beyond the two-and-a-half-hour exercise per week recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for active adults. That number can be cut down to one hour and fifteen minutes if work-out is high intensity.

Most action stars and sports legends also have a dedicated physical trainer and nutritionist to keep tabs on their regimen. Since there are professionals in their corner, they are more likely to be on track with their ideal body structure and achieve their goals. It’s like when troubled individuals see better results when they choose to go to alcohol detox clinics rather than say no to the bottle on their own. The latter group is more prone to believing common myths that may harm their journey and progress.

For people still looking to kickstart their fitness routine without help, they should be careful with the information they read online. A discerning eye is needed to sift through the many tips and advice found on the internet. Here are a few myths about muscle building people should not believe:

Myth 1: Every day should be a gym day.

It’s understandable to believe that to grow stronger, one needs to go to the gym every day. That is a harmful belief because people’s bodies, particularly the muscles, need time to repair the muscle fibres torn during working out. Without rest, the body will be unable to undergo the natural healing process, which will result in feeling sore all the time. If pain persists for more than 72 hours, it means that something is wrong, and one needs to get a check-up with a doctor or physical therapist. To avoid overworking your muscles, include recovery and rest days. Light activity, such as walking and doing errands, can still be done.

Myth 2: Protein, protein, and more protein

protein shake

Protein shakes and chicken breasts are commonly seen as the best friend of any bodybuilder and fitness buff. There’s logic to the practice since the muscles are mostly made up of protein. It’s easy to conclude that ingesting food high in protein means you’re feeding your muscles to become bigger. Unfortunately, science doesn’t recommend gorging on protein for muscle mass. In fact, according to a journal study, getting protein more than the range of a person’s body weight doesn’t add to bigger gains. A well-rounded diet is still preferable than focusing on one food group.

Myth 3: Heavier weights are equal to stronger muscles.

Most people try to lift heavier and heavier weights in hopes of increasing their muscle mass. Aside from being at risk of breaking something and straining the body, the kilograms doesn’t matter. The body is more concerned about the amount of stress and contraction the muscles go through, which can be achieved with lighter weights and proper form. That is because people tend to rush the movements and limit the range of motion when they lift weights they can’t handle yet. It’s better to master the lower levels first and work one’s way up.

Having the correct fitness information can spell the difference between growing stronger and wasting time with little results to show for. Always remember that recovery days are essential, protein is overrated, and heavier weights don’t mean stronger muscles.

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