Ways Your Business Can Help Save the Planet

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Let us begin by debunking the myth that adopting environmentally friendly practices is expensive. It is, in reality, a sound investment that every business person should undertake. If you are a small businessman that believes that my company’s actions will be insignificant, you are mistaken. This is because even the smallest of efforts add up to a greater good.

Besides, even if you do not start today, laws will mandate you to do so in the future. Because, according to the EPA, environmental problems will influence the market dynamics in the coming years. In addition, customers nowadays are becoming more environmentally concerned and are supporting firms that engage in green activities, so that’s another reason for you to go green.

To differentiate yourself from the competition, ensure your company’s survival in the upcoming generations, and most importantly, to conserve Mother Nature, you should start implementing eco-friendly policies in your business. However, you must involve every associated individual and employee to ensure that everyone is on the same graph and has the same priority.

Going green does not cost a fortune, as previously cleared. Additionally, it helps the earth move towards a sustainable environment. Therefore, here are some low-cost green policies that will successfully launch your sustainability initiative.

1. Reduce plastic waste

Plastic is the most harmful to the environment since it needs hundreds of years to decompose. Thus, you should begin by decreasing your office’s use of plastic. Install a water filter to avoid purchasing plastic water bottles while still getting to drink clean water. You can also replace residential fences with alternatives such as environmentally friendly composite fencing panels. It minimizes not only plastic waste but also outlasts other fences. Implement a no-smoking policy because cigarette butts contain microscopic plastic fibers.

2. Switch to LED bulbs

You’ll be surprised to learn that switching from ordinary to LED bulbs saves 70 to 90 percent of the energy. This way, you not only conserve energy and the environment, but you also save huge on utility bills.

3. Reduce paper waste

Paper is used by businesses more than anything else, and if yours is one of them, it’s time to go paperless. Move to emails and electronic billing. This not only saves money on paper and ink, but it also conveniently protects, stores, and distributes data.

4. Fill office spaces with plants

home interior

Start decorating your office spaces with plants to improve the air quality and the aesthetics of the workplace. This also enhances the mood of the personnel and boosts their productivity.

5. Unplug and switch-off

If you believe, like many others, that keeping appliances plugged in and switches turned on even when not in use makes no difference, you are mistaken. As a result of the standby mode, you waste a lot of energy and spend more on your utilities. Therefore, to save energy and reduce bills, turn off and unplug all electronic appliances such as computers, air conditioners, printers, etc., when not in use and closing the office.

6. Organize fundraising events

Choose an environmental cause and organize an annual fundraising event. It’s a beautiful opportunity to give back to the community while also doing something worthwhile. It will help boost your brand’s image and public relations as well.


7. Reduce traveling

To decrease carbon footprints, try to limit your travel. If feasible, organize online meetings, organize webinars for customers to attend, and engage with clients via video conferencing. Doing so will also save everyone time and money. You should also allow your employees to work remotely if the business conducts allow. Not only will carbon footprints be reduced, but employee travel time and money will be saved as well.

8. Encourage public transits

Is remote work not possible in your company? Then, you may encourage your employees to take public transportation, such as buses and trains, by providing incentives. Public transportation helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Approach city transportation authorities to obtain subsidized passes for your staff.

9. Package sustainably

Is your company involved in product shipping? Then you must pay attention to the packaging. Using suitable packaging material is essential to the preservation of the environment. You can use recycled paper and cardboard, but if money isn’t a problem, 100% biodegradable packaging is suggested. After the process, compostable packaging produces zero trash. Additionally, consumers are more inclined to buy from such merchants.

These are several small eco-friendly improvements that benefit the environment and reduce your company’s operating costs significantly. Thus, it’s a win-win approach for your business. However, going green is not a one-day process. It will help if you plan an effective migration strategy after assessing your business infrastructure. This would help build a road map that will help with a seamless migration to become an environmental-friendly business.

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