Teeth straightened with Invisible braces Clapham

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Decade after decade the only real type of dental brace available was the traditional metal brace which was effective but looked and felt uncomfortable. This type of dental appliance was also anything but inconspicuous. Over the years and with ongoing research and development those original metal braces have been improved and are now far more comfortable. In Addition to these, a variety of other dental braces have been created including the invisible brace Clapham. For many years dental braces were really only considered for children but as dental science and technology have evolved a number of dental misalignment treatments have appeared suitable for all ages.

Early discovery is key

Preventive dentistry is the most effective way of treating dental misalignment and early detection is most important. It is important to encourage parents to bring their children to the dental surgery where they are attending an appointment. The dental staff will look after your children while you are being treated. Allowing them to become comfortable and familiar with the surroundings and staff will go a long way to avoiding dental anxiety when they grow older. Bringing your child into dental surgery from the age of one is a good start. When their time comes to have their first examination they will be calm and relaxed. This also allows the dentist to identify any problem that is likely to manifest later. Identifying the possibility of an overbite, underbite or any dental misalignment early will reduce the amount of treatment required later.

Invisible braces a confidence booster


Wearing braces can feel uncomfortable but the advancements in dental appliances has been amazing and the latest equipment is nothing short of amazing. Dental braces traditionally work with blocks, wires and bands but they can now come in a clear or tooth coloured format. A lingual brace is attached to the inside of the teeth and is not visible. Dental aligners work slightly differently from dental braces and use a “tray” system which resembles a gumshield that is placed over the teeth. They all work to produce the same results by applying gradual pressure to move the teeth into the desired location. The fact that they are less conspicuous and in some cases not visible makes them all the more appealing to adults as well as children. By being less visible the result is that the patient is more confident than if they had to wear an obvious appliance.

Dentist intervention

In all cases it is necessary to attend regular dental appointments to assess progress of the treatment. In the case of invisible aligners the amount of dentist visits is far less than with traditional dental braces. Tweaking bands, wires and blocks takes a little longer than just removing a gumshield and replacing it with a new one. The aligners using “trays” require around a three to four weekly visit to the dentist. Each tray has a slightly different orientation which eases the teeth gradually. Over a period of six months to eighteen months invisible aligners will transform the teeth so that a patient can enjoy the pleasure of being able to smile without being self-conscious.

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