How You Can Plan Your Daughter’s 18th Birthday Well

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As a parent, there is nothing more fulfilling than seeing your daughter grow up right before your eyes. That is why it is only understandable that you would want her 18th birthday to become truly memorable. Planning the entire program is vital. Nobody wants a boring party. To help you get started, we will break down the event into sections and make the entire planning process a lot easier.

Less than three weeks

You still have a couple of days to plan everything from scratch. So the first thing that you need to do is to set an invitation list so that you will know the number of guests who will be attending the event.

Since you are planning a debut party for your daughter, you need to invite 20 percent more people. Most of the time, only 70 percent of invitees attend an event. You can either mail the invitation, send them an email, or create a website to let everyone know about the party.

Next, decide on a theme. Ask your daughter for ideas for her birthday. You can either create one, buy the props that you need, or borrow them from a friend so that you can get everything ready.

Planning a party is always a tedious process. You need any help that you can get to make sure that everything will run smoothly. Asking someone to take over the post-party cleaning or looking over the food can help take some weight off your tired shoulders.

Two weeks before

Now that everything is settled, you now need to clean everything that you will be using for the party. You should also iron the linens and do the laundry. Sit with your daughter and ask her the kind of music that she wants for her playlist. It can be anything that she wants as long as its upbeat and is long enough to last throughout the entire event.

One week before

Now that you have only a week before the event, you need to ensure that the venue is ready for the party. Check the party equipment rental in Utah and see if everything is already settled. See if the stage has everything that it needs, including candles and low-wattage light bulbs. Having the proper lighting ready can help create the right mood.

You should also start taking inventory of all the serving dishes and cookware. It is best to stock the bar for each guest so that you would not run out of drinks during the party.

The Day of the party

Now, this is a crucial part of the entire plan. Make sure that all the food is ready. Display it an hour or two before the guests start to arrive. Never forget to greet all the guests as they arrive.

Planning your daughter’s 18th birthday can be tiring. But seeing the look on her face can certainly make everything worth your time. Hence, have everything ready weeks before the event so that you can plan things properly.

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