How to clear up your misaligned smile with ClearSmile!

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If you are struggling with alignment issues such as crossbites, over or underbites, or crowded or gapped teeth, then you may need orthodontics Navan. Treatment can vary depending on the alignment issue you have, but for mild to moderate alignment issues, dentists are increasingly recommending ClearSmile aligners as they provide discreet, convenient and effective treatment. If you do not fancy having treatment that everyone can see in your mouth, then this could certainly be the treatment option for you. With ClearSmile, there are lots to get excited about when it comes to getting your teeth realigned.

What is ClearSmile?

ClearSmile is a series of clear plastic aligners that must be worn over the teeth and are virtually unnoticeable to other people. They push the teeth into the correct position over approximately 6 to 18 months. The aligners can be custom-made to fit your mouth precisely, so they should be very comfortable to wear whilst you can also remove them before you eat or clean your teeth. This means that you should not need to avoid certain foods, and you will be able to clean your teeth properly. You could also have time to remove them for other reasons, such as playing sports, as you only need to try and wear them for 22 hours a day. You will be required to change between your aligners every couple of weeks and have checkups every 6 weeks with your dentist to ensure that you are making the progress that is expected.

dentist on mouth operation

The benefits of ClearSmile

If you are looking for a discreet method of realigning your smile, then ClearSmile should fill you with confidence to wear the aligners no matter where you are going or what you are doing. And once your teeth are realigned, they will be in the optimum position such that you can clean them a lot better, chew your food properly, and speak much more clearly. There are so many reasons to love ClearSmile and to get your smile sorted, alongside ensuring that your smile is beautiful too! For patients who do not want to have fixed appliances, a removable option could be the solution.

Is ClearSmile for me?

To find out whether this would be a suitable treatment for you, all you need to do is find a dentist offering ClearSmile treatment. You can then book an initial consultation to discuss your concerns about your smile. You should then be able to have your mouth examined during this appointment and discuss your concerns, asking all your questions about the treatment options that should then be presented to you. It is important that you get a treatment that will fit in with your lifestyle and get you the results you are hoping for. ClearSmile offers the flexibility to fit in with your lifestyle in a discreet and convenient way. If you do decide to opt for ClearSmile, then you could have the smile you are looking for in just a few months. What is not to love about that?!

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