A Guide To Home Maintenance For The Four Seasons

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Homes need people. Without proper care amid changing seasons, they will easily deteriorate over time.

Every year, the temperature can immediately go from very cold to very hot and these extreme changes can cause damage to houses, leaving them weak in the event of a powerful natural disaster. That is why every homeowner must ensure their house is prepared for the winter, spring, summer, and fall.

If you’re thinking about your home maintenance for the next season (as you should), here is a guide through the process.


Before the colder weather begins, make sure your house’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are functioning well. If your HVAC technology is more than a decade old, it’s better to have them checked by a contractor to ensure that they will work once the winter comes.

The next thing you want to do is to turn off the outdoor taps and shut down the pool and sprinkler system. You should also unclog the gutters and repair your roof to prevent any leaks.

Once the winter is over, the first thing you need to do is deal with the snow covering the exterior. If you’re having a hard time removing the ice that accumulated around your humble abode and in the driveway, contact a reputable snow clearing service to do it for you. If you live in Grande Prairie, finding a snow-clearing service provider is easy.


Spring is that time of the year when flowers bloom again and trees begin to grow. The fine weather and warmer temperature that spring brings make this season the perfect time to prune the bushes, prepare the flower beds and check your house for any damage caused by winter. You should also take this opportunity to clean the interior of your house and do some home remodeling.


The sun’s extreme heat can mess up the paint of your house and outdoor furniture that is why summertime means giving your home a fresh coat. If your house gets too hot during the summer, applying heat-reflective roof paint can help simmer down the temperature of your home.

Summer is also the best time to fix any exterior damage so that your house is well-prepared for the next season.


Woman using a plunger in the sink

During the fall, an arborist is your best friend as you need an expert who will help you trim the trees so they’ll be ready for autumn. Also, make sure that you rake the leaves blanketing the exterior of your home and you clean the gutters. You might also want to inspect your house to see if there are tiny holes and gaps that you need to seal, as the dropping temperature will attract critters looking for a warm place to stay. Lastly, call a chimney cleaner and schedule HVAC maintenance so you’ll know that they are in working order for the winter.

A home is an investment that you should never neglect. If a particular cleaning and maintenance process is difficult for you, don’t hesitate to hire a service provider that will get the job done.

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