Unsure if you have gum disease? 5 tell-tale signs to look out for

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Everyone knows how important it is to clean their teeth every day to prevent the accumulation of plaque and cavities.

But how do you keep your gums healthy? It’s not that difficult, to be honest!

As you brush your teeth, you will remove any debris, bacteria or plaque from around the base of the tooth. But, should you be missing teeth, it is all too easy to forget to do this. And so, many dental teams will recommend that you invest in an antibacterial mouthwash to stop plaque from reaching dangerous levels.

But what are some of the tell-tale signs that your gums are in need of a visit to your dentist near Coorparoo? How do you spot the early signs of gum or periodontal disease at home?

Read on to find out.


Swelling to the gums is common and is usually caused by over-enthusiastic brushing.

However, when you are using a soft-bristled toothbrush, being as gentle as you can but the swelling is worsening, it is time to see your dental team.

Usually, swelling associated with gum disease is also uncomfortable, so it is very rarely something you can put to the back of your mind!


It is regularly listed as the number one sign of gum disease on mouthwash adverts and it isn’t wrong.

If you regularly spit blood when you brush or notice a pink tint on your toothbrush after you have finished brushing, this is a clear sign that something is amiss and requires a trip to your dental practitioner.

Much like the swelling mentioned earlier, bleeding can also be a sign of incorrect brushing technique. Either way, you will need to see a dental professional if bleeding after brushing is a daily occurrence.

Bad breath

floss concept

If you are a fan of garlic, bad breath may be something you are used to!

However, if you brush your teeth twice a day, rinse, floss and refrain from eating garlic or other strong-scented foods, bad breath could point towards an issue with your gums.

Gum disease alone is not the sole cause of bad breath and your dental team will be able to detect if you have cavities, or are suffering from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can lead to tonsil stones and bad breath. If you have GERD, then your teeth will also need protection against the acid, which may involve the application of fluoride sealants.


Your gums should have a pink colour to them and have a spring-like texture to them.

If you have gum disease, they may take on a reddish tint or even a purple one, as the gums fill with excess amounts of blood.

If you spot this when brushing, even in a small area of your mouth, contact your dental team.


Persistently small gums also point to gum disease and can make everyday tasks like eating difficult.

If it hurt to bite into food, as before, make an urgent appointment to see your dental team!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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