Hey, Kids! Brushing is Fun!

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Adults often complain about not having enough time to do all their tasks every day. But, if you think you’re already busy, imagine being a kid. Pause for a minute to think, and you’ll realize how equally busy the little ones are.

Not only do they have to go to school, attend classes, and do their homework, but they also need to spend some family time while also learning how to take better care of themselves as they discover new things every single day.

One of the most important life skills children need to develop is proper teeth brushing. But, some parents struggle in making their little ones understand why this task is a must. While it’s true that teaching your children to develop the habit of brushing twice daily for two minutes can be challenging, there are small changes you can do to make the enjoy the task little by little.

This will have a huge effect on their long-term dental health. So, read on to learn some ways to make teeth brushing fun for your children from a pediatric dentist here in Herriman.

Come up with a routine and stick to it

Sometimes, it can be genuinely tempting to allow your child to skip brushing, especially when you both just had a long day or when you’re out on a trip and not in your regular schedule of daily activities. But, it’s important to follow still the routine you’ve set when it comes to teeth brushing no matter where you may be.

Brushing should feel like second nature to your child, so let them understand that it’s part of their everyday life.

toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash

Turn those 4 minutes into a ‘party’

There’s nothing more boring than simply setting a timer and standing next to your kid to make sure they’re brushing their teeth properly. Make full use of these two to four minutes daily by turning it into a fun – albeit short – bonding activity with your child. Play their favorite song and have a dance party!

Make funny faces in front of a mirror and share some laughs. You can also download some brushing apps that will make those two minutes feel shorter. Here’s another activity you can try. Why not have a two-minute storytelling where you both try to do different voices?

Whatever it is that you come up with, be as creative as you can so brushing time will always be something your child will look forward to.

Let them choose their own tools

Allow your children to pick out their personal toothbrushes. Many toothbrushes out in the market come in interesting designs that little ones will surely love. There are characters and even special kits that come with specialized stickers so the kids can design them themselves.

Even toothpaste comes in various flavors as well, so go beyond the usual mint. Bubble gum, strawberry, berry, and watermelon are just some of the more popular choices of flavors.

Finally, consider rewarding your child for showing consistently good brushing behavior. Make brushing their favorite part of the day!

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