Do I Need Furnace Installation And What Are The Expenses?

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When it comes to furnace installation, your first question might be what types of furnaces are available. Your next question would probably be about expenses. Here are the answers to your questions.

Gas Furnace

A gas furnace is one of the most commonly-installed types in homes today. Many people prefer it because its fuel is more cost-effective than other types. Newer models are also very energy-efficient. This type of furnace emits even heating, so the temperature throughout your house remains the same. But since this is gas we’re talking about, you have to look out for carbon monoxide.

A gas furnace works through gas combustion. Natural gas from a tank goes through a line and a series of burners inside a combustion chamber. A fan circulates the hot air from the process. A furnace is primarily used to keep warm during winter. So, gas furnace installation in Provo, where winters are harsh, is the most recommended type.

Oil Furnace

Sometimes you do not have access to natural gas. An oil furnace is an excellent alternative to a gas furnace. This type of furnace works just like a gas furnace. The oil from a tank is converted into an oily mist and ignited with a series of burners. A heat exchanger transfers the resulting gas to your home.

You need to install an oil tank in your home’s premises for this type of furnace, though. Also, the price of oil is pricier than natural gas, so expect to shell out quite a bit during Provo’s cold winter months.

Electric Furnace

Unlike the two types of furnaces we’ve discussed, which use natural sources of heating, an electric furnace relies on electrical heating circuitry to heat your home.

An electric furnace is not cheap, but it is a very efficient type. This means that you will have additional expenses, but you are guaranteed to have even temperature in your entire house. Also, with modern technology, electric furnaces do not occupy large spaces, so you can use it even for a small apartment.

The operating costs of this type of furnace are high, though. Expect your electric bill to shoot up during the winter months. Also, since it uses electricity, your central heating might be interrupted if a particularly harsh storm disrupts power in your area.

How much will my furnace cost?

The answer to this question depends on you what you need, what is available to you (remember, not everyone has access to gas), how much your budget is, what brand you select, and how simple or complex your furnace system will be.

A gas furnace equipment will usually cost about $1,200, an oil furnace about $1,800, and an electric furnace around $670. Bear in mind that these are just the equipment. You’ll need to pay for installation as well. It better to talk with experts in furnace installation regarding their fees so you can add it to your budget.



Prior knowledge of different types of furnaces will help a lot if you need to have furnace installation soon. You can already weigh the pros and cons, including the related expenses, and compare them to your unique needs. In this way, you will make an informed decision.

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