A Look into Warehouse Management and What It Entails

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Boxes carried out of the warehouseAn active warehouse experiences a significant inflow and outflow of goods every day. A lot of work is required in ensuring the accurate collection of data for all goods, either being received or discharged from the warehouse. As such, the warehouse ought to come up with suitable ways aimed at achieving both efficiency and productivity.

Space Maximisation

This is the main determinant of efficiency around a warehouse. It has a direct effect on a warehouse’s operating expenses and profitability. Warehouse owners should consider adopting solutions for raised storage to double the usable storage space. It may also come in handy for the storage of goods with a low turnover. An example is wine bottles that are expected to remain in the warehouse for at least ten years for ageing purposes. Wine bottles are delicate in nature and may, therefore, be stored in areas that experience the lowest traffic. This reduces their risk against physical damage that is likely to occur in the event that they are placed along common routes. Goods with a high turnover and those expected to remain in the warehouse for a short period of up to a few weeks may be stored closer to the collection points.

Safety of Stored Items

Woman inspectioning boxesA proper warehouse should provide a considerable degree of protection to the stored items against damage. This may be in the form of their exposure to elements of the weather and also physical damage. Some items, such as medicine, require to be stored in a cool place and away from sunlight. This is because drugs consist of delicately balanced compounds, which, upon exposure to excess sunlight, may undergo decomposition rendering them ineffective. Similarly, other commodities such as confectionery require to be stored in a controlled environment. Exposure to high levels of humidity may turn them stale, destroying their colour and taste.

Workers’ Safety

A warehouse supervisor is expected to ensure the safety of his workers when working within the warehouse. Workers may be provided with different safety equipment depending on the nature of the items stored in the warehouse. There is some common gear such as gumboots, overalls, gloves, and gas masks that may be worn by workers in every warehouse. Special safety gear may be required for workers dealing with toxic substances. It is also essential for a warehouse supervisor to oversee the installation of fire extinguishers and other pieces of firefighting equipment around the warehouse. The equipment should be easily accessible to increase the workers’ response to possible emergencies.

Handling Equipment

The use of proper handling equipment significantly reduces the time required to complete a task. It is possible that a single machine can complete in three hours, the equivalent of the work performed by ten workers in a whole day. It also provides some guarantee relating to the safety of the items to be moved.

At the end of the day, the success of a warehouse business is judged by the number of items it has handled, which is a determiner of its expected revenues. Space maximisation, workers’ safety, and the use of appropriate handling machine all increase the capacity of a warehouse.

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